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For my final market research course, we were given a spreadsheet with messy data and asked to not only clean the data but put it into a format that we could present to a client.

The case study was for a business called Popular Pizza & Smoothie. This restaurant wanted to see the results of their survey, which was coded. This resulted in a few questions being miscoded as a way to trip us up. This aspect was addressed in the presentation and would be eventually decoded a bit later than this hypothetical client presentation.

the process


introductory slides

These slides introduce the topic of the data with a brief analysis.

pizza data

When approaching this project, I wanted to make sure that each question was organized in a logical fashion. I started with each product segment's data first and then moved into the overarching questions afterward. I did this so that when presenting to the client, I could lay out the basis of their product markets and then pull them together with more data collected.


This data describes one of the markets that Popular Pizza & Smoothie. The business has many avenues of growth in this market, especially with the possible word of mouth business.


smoothie data

The smoothie market data was only referenced in one question throughout the entire survey. If I were to have done this case study, in reality, I would have expanded this line of questioning to at least 3 more questions. The question does show that Popular Pizza & Smoothie consumers do drink smoothies which is a positive for their business model.

market analysis

The market analysis included all the questions that referenced Popular Pizza & Smoothie competitors. By analyzing this data, I was able to conclude that Popular Pizza & Smoothie was not only competitive with popular pizza chains but has a value proposition that could result in a larger market share.


company performance

The company is performing extremely well in its segment. This is partially due to the unique value proposition they have developed in their business model. Not only does this segment of questions explain what draws consumers to their business but also provides insight into smoothie buying habits as well. This shows that their strongest smoothie is Smoothie Island and their second strongest smoothie is Tropical Smoothie. The value proposition ranking question also shows that over 47% of consumers want a smoothie and pizza shop.

concluding slides

The last 3 slides review the demographics the survey reached, the miscoded data that will be provided at a later date, and the conclusive analysis of all the data collected.


project reflection

This project helped me develop my data analytical skills. I had learned the tools to complete this project over several years in various different courses but this was the first project to utilize them on one task. I felt more accomplished and confident in my data visualization skills after submitting this project.

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